
IMPORTANT NEWS: The New GRI Standard For Corporate Reporting Has Now Been Released To Replace The GRI G4

Posted on October 27, 2016 by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist

#Business & Society #Business Case #Corporate Responsibility #Corporate Sustainability #ESG Issues #Financially Material #G4 #Sustainability Big Data #Sustainability Professionals #Sustainability Reporting 


The most commonly used sustainability reporting standard for corporate and institutional reporting on an organization’s economic, environmental and social/societal impacts – The Global Reporting Initiative’s (“GRI”) framework –  has now moved from the fourth generation (G4) to the new modular GRI Standards.  The titles of these corporate reports prepared using the GRI approach to disclosure carry varying titles:  Corporate Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Citizenship, Environmental Stewardship, and more.
Since the launch of the first GRI framework in 1999-2000, more than 30,000 such reports have been published, the overwhelming majority by companies (publicly-traded and privately-owned, from macro-and large-cap down to smaller enterprises).  Companies from around the world are well represented in the global reporting database maintained by GRI in Amsterdam, where it is headquartered. While reports are filed from Europe, Asia/Pacific, Africa, Latin America, and North America. It’s worth noting here that GRI was birthed in the United States, in great measure modeled on the earlier reporting framework efforts for corporations developed by the Ceres organization in Boston.
While European-based companies in earlier years dominated in utilizing the framework, in recent years U.S. companies have well made up for any gap, in various industry and sector categories.  G&A Institute researchers closely follow the important S&P 500® universe, and we found that in 2010, about 20% were publishing sustainability / responsibility reports; that percentage climbed to over 50% in 2011, reached the mid-70s% mark in 2012 and 2013, and last year (2015) we reported that 81% of the 500 firms were on board with reporting – the majority by far using the GRI framework.
Over a decade-and-a-half, the global framework has evolved through a comprehensive multi-party development process, moving from “G1” up through G3 to today’s G4.  And now there is a significant development for you to tune in to:  The Global Reporting Initiative is formally launching the GRI Standards.  The new modular structure will feature three (3) universal standards and a selection of 33 topic-specific Standards to cover specific economic (financial), environmental and social (or societal) topics.
The advantages of the new Standard include having a modular structure for ease of updating and suitability for inclusion in, say, government-mandates for corporate reporting schemes, such as the new Accounting Standard in the 28 European Union nations.  Current GRI reporters will find the approach familiar; there are the familiar General Disclosures, Management Approaches, and Performance Indicators. Companies in the GRI “Gold Community” are already early adopters of the GRI Standards (G&A Institute is proud to be a Gold Community company).

There’s much more to know about the new GRI Standards — whether you are new to sustainability reporting or a seasoned veteran.  GRI is inviting you to help GRI celebrate the launch of the Standards at  Bloomberg LP headquarters in New York City on November 2 from 11am to 2pm.  The new Standards will have a “guided tour” by GRI staff, and we’ll learn more about the transition from current G4 Guidelines, as well as having our questions answered by GRI team members who were involved in developing the Standards.
To learn more and register for this free event at Bloomberg, please visit:
Unable to attend the event at Bloomberg, but want to learn more?
G&A Institute is hosting a webinar with GRI’s Alyson Genovese to discuss the transition to our network of interested organizations.  Join us for a webinar on November 10, 2016 at 12pm EST. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned reporter, this webinar will give you an interactive, detailed overview of the new GRI Standards, gaining an excellent oversight on the changes from the current G4 Guidelines. You’ll also have ample opportunity to ask questions and learn about next steps.
Register for the G&A Webinar here:
GRI is also hosting a series of in-person launch events around the globe.
Visit this site for a full list of locations and dates.

With questions or to learn more, please contact Louis Coppola at
As you may know, Governance & Accountability Institute has been the exclusive Data Partner for the GRI in the United States of America since 2010; we are also the DP for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.  In this role we receive and analyze more than 1,500 corporate and institutional reports each year.  Contact us for more information about how we can help you and your organization with your GRI reporting and transition over the coming months to the new Standard.
Stay Tuned to the new GRI Standards!