
2016 – A Year of Great Consequences and Positive Outcomes For Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Investing?

Posted on February 8, 2016 by Hank Boerner – Chair & Chief Strategist

#Climate Change #Corporate Responsibility #Corporate Sustainability #ESG Issues #SRI #Sustainability Big Data #Sustainability Professionals #Sustainability Reporting #Sustainable Investing 

Graham Sinclair is one of the influentials, the thought leaders in sustainability.  He shares his views on “mainstreaming sustainable investment” with us on the Triple Pundit platform.  He sees 2016 as the year of the “new normal” for brand name asset owners and their managers to embrace ESG factors in their decision-making.  An example is the CDP signatory base of now 822 financial institutions with US$95 trillion in Assets Under Management (AUM).  Another strong signal is the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change – 120 members with 13 trillion Euros in AUM.  And, PRI with 302 asset owners and 958 investment managers with $59 trillion AUM.
And the worldwide professional analyst membership organization – CFA Institute – recently updated its CFA ESG Handbook to assist financial analysts and asset managers in better understanding and applying corporate ESG performance in their analysis and portfolio management.
There is a lot going on in the mainstream investing community that Graham Sinclair walks us through. We encourage you to read his commentary and share it internally (with your investor relations team, the CEO and CFO, and others).
G&A Institute will be sharing our views on the trends that we’re closely monitoring in sustainability — featured over the next few weeks.
Not Too Big to Fail: How Mega Investment Firms Do Sustainability
(Thursday – January 28, 2016)
Source: Triple Pundit – Mainstreaming sustainable investment: If the many investor initiatives aimed at corralling investors toward sustainability had not already made environmental, social and governance (ESG) the new normal, 2016 should do it.