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Survey Responses

Customized Professional Services Offerings

We have deep experience in helping public companies respond to third-party surveys from ESG organizations that provide ratings and other information widely used by Investors.
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Enhance Scoring on ESG Surveys

As investor focus on corporate sustainability continues to develop and expand, many companies are being asked to respond to a growing number of investor surveys and their detailed questionnaires. 

G&A specializes in helping clients respond to popular annual questionnaires such as CDP, S&P’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), and other third-party surveys used by investors to understand a company’s ESG practices. The most effective responses to these surveys are time consuming, comprehensive and at times quite complex. The G&A team helps inform and support your team’s response throughout the entire process to make the effort more complete, accurate, and efficient. 

G&A analysts have years of experience responding to these types of surveys and have developed proprietary systems and processes, which are constantly updated, to make the response effort easier for our clients. We will work with you to identify and close gaps, provide peer benchmarking and research, and ultimately create a comprehensive response to achieve the maximum score and/or rating possible for your company. This is about gaining a competitive advantage in the eyes of your investor base. 

Enhance Scoring on S&P CSA Survey

G&A has created and continually fine-tunes our tools and methodologies to support corporate responses to S&P Global's Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), and to identify areas for company improvements in public disclosures. This engagement is a two-stage process beginning with a comprehensive gap analysis identifying opportunities to strategically improve your upcoming response to the CSA, and then supporting you through the annual CSA response period.

The CSA questionnaire is well-known for assessing companies for inclusion on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and other investor benchmarks. The corporate responses to CSA are also utilized by various S&P Global units for scoring and ranking, including:

  • S&P ESG ratings (provided on their Capital IQ terminal for institutional investors)
  • S&P ESG indices (such as S&P 500 ESG, S&P Global 1200 ESG)
  • Credit risk analysis, which may affect a company’s credit rating

G&A has a track record of maintaining our long-term clients’ inclusion on the DJSI and helping to continuously enhance their annual scores, while also supporting first-time CSA respondents who have then achieved inclusion in the DJSI family of indexes for the first time for their firm. 

Enhance Scoring on CDP

G&A has created well-developed systems, tools and methodologies to support and improve company responses to the various CDP questionnaires.  We provide highly-targeted advice and recommendations informed by our comprehensive understanding of the scoring methodology of CDP, which helps our clients to stay ahead of the pack on their CDP scores.

In recent years, reporting on climate change strategies and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has become an expected practice for companies, which are seeing many more requests to share their CDP responses with their clients and investors. Around the globe, regulators are moving to adopt compulsory reporting as the focus on climate change issues increases.