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ESG Perception Studies

Customized Professional Services Offerings

G&A conducts customized surveys of capital markets professionals to determine their level of interest in sustainable investing and their awareness of your ESG performance.
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Surveying analysts, asset managers and institutional investors to determine their level of interest in sustainable investing and corporate ESG performance.

  • Conducting confidential facilitated surveys of important capital markets players to determine their interest in ESG and their views of the client company's ESG / sustainability public profile
  • Identify financial analysts and portfolio managers with interest in ESG among the firm’s current holders
  • Develop target list for IRO follow up for ESG discussions
  • Identify target list of prospective shareholders based on their ESG interest
  • Helps to develop ESG strategy and follow up/action items

More on ESG/Sustainability Investor Perception Studies

The latest credible survey of professional asset managers and institutional investors in the U.S. revealed that more than US$16 trillion of Assets Under Management, or $1-in-$3 of equities in being professionally managed use ESG / sustainable investing approaches.  While an analysis of the company's current equity holders may help to identify holders who are using ESG approaches, a survey of current and prospective investors will provide more in-depth information on the perceptions these analysts and investors have of your company’s ESG performance.  This survey approach can help to identify those investment professionals who would be most interested in your company's ESG story.

A customized, confidential investor perception study will test and calibrate the understanding and level of interest among key financial analysts and investors regarding corporate ESG performance and sustainability issues. 

The study will help to identify contacts within existing coverage firms and will reach beyond the traditional coverage of the company to include ESG / Sustainability-focused analysts and portfolio managers.

The exercise will include discussions with analysts and PMs at both mainstream firms and specialized asset management organizations. This universe may include:

  • Asset managers and institutional investors such as BlackRock, State Street, Calvert Funds (part of Eaton Vance), TIAA, CalPERS, CalSTRS, New York State Common Fund, the New York City pension fund system, Credit Suisse, UBS, Norway Sovereign Wealth Fund, State Rockefeller Company, and others.
  • Financial analysis organizations and ESG data providers such as MSCI, UBS, Deutsche Bank Advisors, Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Refinitiv (formerly part of Thomson Reuters), EIRIS Foundation and Ethical Investment Research Services, S&P Global (managers of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes), GES Investment Services, Governance Metrics International (GMI, a unit of MSCI), and Institutional Shareholder Services.