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The early issues of this newsletter over a decade ago had a feature that seems quaint today: in each issue we published a list of corporate ESG reports that we had found through our own extensive searching. You see, most... Read full issue >Read full issue >
The Top Stories in ESG this week are about the annual global climate meetings in Egypt – COP 27 (the Conference of Parties), convened by the United Nations. These meetings of about 200 sovereign nation’s leaders and other... Read full issue >Read full issue >
The United States of America is “in” the world and “of” the world. Where do we stand on global issues – where should we stand on policies and practices (and what should the U.S. “stand for”)?Read full issue >
We were thinking the other day about the enormous challenges posed by climate change to our society -- and the resulting challenges of meeting ambitious goals being set by governments, the private sector, and investors to achieve... Read full issue >Read full issue >
Is the SEC moving forward on expanding corporate sustainability disclosure rules, or standing still with no real change to existing rules, or perhaps moving backwards on the initiative to expand ESG information for investors? Any... Read full issue >Read full issue >
The showdown continues: on one side we now see attorney generals in 19 states putting pressure on asset management firms that embrace “sustainable investment” or “ESG” policies that influence the various states’ public employee... Read full issue >Read full issue >
Consider the influence of the public sector employee retirement systems in the capital markets: the almost 6,000 pension plans (of states, cities, municipalities, etc.) cover about 15 million workers and families and manage... Read full issue >Read full issue >