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The Sixth Assessment Report (AR65) of the United Nations Intergovernmental Report on Climate Change (IPCC) is nearing publication later this year after being delayed for two years. These assessments, as presented in the final... Read full issue >Read full issue >
The long-anticipated new rule for corporate climate change disclosures in registrations and certain periodic reports (such as 10-K filings) has been issued by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. The 500+ page draft is now... Read full issue >Read full issue >
It is often not easy for western companies to live up to the principles of “good corporate citizenship” when they have operations in or are investing in countries without democratic governments. As the unprovoked military... Read full issue >Read full issue >
The scientific consensus is that climate change is responsible for warming of temperatures, rising seas as icebergs melt, greater intensity of storms (hurricanes, cyclones, and super rainstorms), and more such impacts on Planet... Read full issue >Read full issue >
“Put your stakes in the ground to set expectations with your company’s investors and other stakeholders.” That is among the pieces of expert advice often offered to newly-named CEOs. Concept: Set a goal or two as you start out as... Read full issue >Read full issue >
“I believe the de-carbonization of the global economy is going to create the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime.” This bold prediction is part of the annual letter sent to CEOs of publicly-traded companies by CEO... Read full issue >Read full issue >
With the global COVID-19 pandemic still disrupting our lives and dominating the headlines, it is understandable that important news about sustainability can sometimes slip through the cracks. The G&A team is pleased to continue... Read full issue >Read full issue >