Mary Ann Boerner is President of Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.
Previously she was a Vice President of Rowan & Blewitt Incorporated, a global issues and crisis management consulting organization serving multinationals and Fortune 100 clients in the United States and abroad. The integrated marketing services company she founded earlier was consolidated with Rowan & Blewitt in the early 1990s to serve R&B clients, which included major banks, pharmaceutical companies, chemical manufacturers, leading law firms, a number of prominent academic institutions, automotive and aerospace manufacturers, and other large employers.
From the 1970s to 1990s Mary Ann Boerner was co-founder and chief operating officer of a marketing consulting organization that served airlines, travel and hospitality organizations, consumer marketers, professional service organizations, and trade and professional membership associations. Services included advertising, public relations, direct marketing, trade shows, and other aspects of integrated marketing and communications programs.
She began her career in a corporate legal department (as administrator) and later became manager of a communications department (quasi-public agency) before founding the integrated marketing consulting organization in 1976.
Mary Ann served in a number of posts including President of the Long Island Chapter of the National Women Business Owners Association (NAWBO). She was national delegate to NAWBO (national) and in 1985 was elected by trade associations and not-for-profit advocates throughout New York State to represent [the state] at the White House Small Business Summit (Clinton Administration). The issues she advocated included small business access to financing, community development and empowerment, and federal assistance for small business interests in Main Street communities.
In 1997 Mary Ann was recognized by her peers in receiving the "Top Women Business Owners of Long Island," awarded by NAWBO.
She was graduated from State University of New York at Farmingdale majoring in Business Administration