
Top 10 GRI Sustainability Aspects for the Energy Sector

Posted on October 22, 2014 by Louis Coppola

#Corporate Responsibility #Corporate Sustainability #ESG Issues #G4 #Materiality #Sustainability Reporting 

Sustainability – What Matters in the Energy Sector
Recent research conducted by the Governance & Accountability Institute attempts to answer important questions for company managements in the Energy Sector, by examining the disclosure practices of 151 global peer organizations publishing GRI reports in the sector.
The top 10 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) aspects that were determined to be material by the managements of reporting organizations in the Energy Sector are:

  1. Overall (Environmental)
  2. Biodiversity
  3. Security Practices
  4. Indigenous Rights
  5. Market Presence
  6. Equal Remuneration for Women and Men
  7. Emissions, Effluents and Waste
  8. Water
  9. Indirect Economic Impacts
  10. Local Communities

Results:  The complimentary report examining 35 sectors including top 10 GRI aspects, and top/bottom 10 GRI performance indicators can be downloaded here:
The full rankings for all 84 GRI performance indicators and all 37 GRI Aspects for each of the 35 sectors examined are available for purchase at:
Organizations included in the Energy Sector study are:
Abeinsa, Abengoa Bioenergía, Abengoa Solar, Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), AEM (Atomenergomash), Apache Corporation, Aygaz, Banpu Public Company Limited, Bashneft, BG Group, BP International Ltd., BPCL, Cairn Energy, Cenovus Energy, CESP, Chevron Corporation, Chilectra, China Shenhua, CLP, Consol Energy, CTEEP, Dolphin Energy, Duke Energy Perú, Ecopetrol, Edipower, Edison, Elcogas, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), Electricity Generating Public Company (EGCO), Electroperu, Empresa Nacional de Electricidad (Endesa Chile), Enagas S.A., EnCana, Endesa Colombia, Eneco Groep, Energiedienst, Energy Development Corporation (EDC), Enersis, Eni S.P.A., ENMAX, Entergy, ERG (Gruppo ERG), Essar Energy, EVN, FGC UES (Federal Grid Company of United Energy System), Firestone Energy Ltd, Fortum, Gamesa, Gas Natural Argentina, Gas Natural Colombia, GASAG, Gases de occidente, Gasum, Gazprom Neft, Genelec, Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (GSE), Grupa Lotos, GRUPO UNIÓN FENOSA GAS, GS Caltex, Halliburton, Hellenic Petroleum, Hess Corporation, Imperial Oil, INA, INTER RAO UES, Invensys, ista Deutschland GmbH, Itaipu Binacional, IWB, JetOil, Johnson Controls, KONČAR, Korea East-West Power Corporation, Korea Gas Corporation, Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC), Lunds Energikoncernen, Marquard & Bahls AG, MOESK (Moscow United Electric Grid Company), MOL Group, Motor Oil Hellas, Nexen, NIS a.d. Novi Sad, Nisource, Norrenergi AB, Occidental Petroleum (Oxy), OCI Company Ltd., oekostrom, Omega Energy Colombia, Omnicane Limited, OMV, Oneok, Origin, Pacific Rubiales Energy, PEMEX Petroleos Mexicanos, Petron Corporation, Petronas, Pomorskiej Spółki Gazownictwa, Premier Oil, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company, PTT Public Company Limited, Qatar Petroleum, RasGas, REN, Repsol Perú, Repsol YPF, Repsol YPFEcuador, RN-PEP, Rosenergoatom, Rosneft, Royal Dutch Shell, RUSHYDRO, Russian Concern for Electric and Thermal Energy Production at Nuclear Power Plants, Sakhalin Energy, Samchully, Samsung Heavy Industries, Santos, Sempra Energy, SEVERNEFTEGAZPROM, Shell Canada, Sinergy, Snam Rete Gas, S-OIL, SolarWorld, Sorgenia, SPARK IBERICA S. A. U., Statoil ASA, STX Energy, Subdirección de Producción Región Marina Noroeste, Pemex Exploracción y Producción (SPRMNE PEP), Suncor Energy, Surtigas, Talisman Energy, Tatneft, TDE S.A., Technip, Teekay Petrojarl (TKPJ), TENEX (Techsnabexport), Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO), Tesoro, Thai Oil, The Bangchak Petroleum Plc., The Linde Group, TNK-BP, TOTAL, Tractebel Energia, TRU Energy, Tullow Oil, Turku Energia, TVEL, Usina São Manoel, Wärtsilä Corporation

About G&A Institute (
G&A Institute is a New York-based, private sector company providing sustainability-focused services and resources to corporate and investment community clients, including: Issue Counseling & Sustainability Strategies; Sustainability Reporting; Materiality Assessments; Stakeholder Engagement; Benchmarking; Investor Relations; Communications; Coaching, Team Building & Training;  Issues Monitoring & Customized Research; Third Party Recognitions.  G&A is the exclusive Data Partner for the GRI in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
On the G&A Institute web site there is additional information available on the Fact Sheet: What Matters Project (  The resulting “most important” to “least important” ranking for the 35 sectors is available to media on a case-by-case basis please contact:  Peter Hamilton (

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