
Meet Tina Berg, 3M @ Demystifying The CSA & DJSI Workshop

Posted on October 3, 2017 by Louis Coppola

#Business Case #Corporate Citizenship #Corporate Responsibility #Corporate Sustainability #Human Rights #Investment Case #RobecoSAM #SRI #Sustainability Professionals #Sustainability Reporting 

Tina Berg is Sustainability Specialist at 3M is speaking at Demystifying the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) & The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). This practitioner workshop is presented by Governance & Accountability Institute in collaboration RobecoSAM on October 24, 2017 and is being hosted at Baruch College/CUNY in New York City.  Tina will be focusing on assessment questions for Human Capital.
Sustainability Specialist, 3M

TOPIC: Workshop 2: Human Capital

A conversation with Tina:
Q:  What is your involvement and experience at 3M in completing the RobecoSAM CSA for the DJSI each year? 
As 3M’s Sustainability Reporting Manager, I have the opportunity to lead a dedicated team of individuals from across the company to advance Sustainability in their organizations, while creating the story that best reflects our commitment to improving Every Life. This then also drives new growth by enhancing supplier, operational, customer engagement, and effective product and brand positioning through 3M’s Sustainability Report and DJSI submittal.
Q:  What can attendees expect to learn from your session on Human Capital?
At 3M, we recognize that growth of our company is directly related to growth of our people, and the people with whom we work and live every day.   During the session, learn about our most valuable resource, our people, how we invest in their success, and how that is reflect in our Sustainability Report and DJSI response.
Q:  What advice do you have or opportunity that you see for attendees who are considering attending the program and looking to improve their RobecoSAM CSA responses, and get on the DJSI? 
The approach to the CSA response is a process just like any other.  At a high-level, three areas come to mind to drive that process forward: top-down culture, integrated purpose driven Sustainability strategy, and engagement of key stakeholders throughout the organization.
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Tina Berg is Sustainability Specialist at 3M
Tina Berg is Sustainability Specialist at 3M.  In this role, she is leading a dedicated team of individuals who work across 3M to drive new growth by enhancing supplier, operational, customer engagement, and effective product and brand positioning through 3M’s Sustainability reporting.  Tina is also leading strategic planning for 3M’s 2025 Sustainability Goal to engage 100 percent of water-stressed/scarce communities where 3M manufactures on community-wide approaches to water management.
During her 18 years at 3M, opportunities have provided her with diversified experience in a multi-disciplinary technical environment.   She spent her 3M career in laboratories, corporate environmental compliance, and hands-on facility operations before assuming this Sustainability leadership role in 2014.  She is an alumni of St. Olaf College graduating with a B.S. in Biology and Environmental Studies.  Growing up in Northern Minnesota, near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, sparked her life-long passion for water and the outdoors.
For more information about the course and how to register, visit:
The aim of this workshop is to increase the participants’ knowledge about the methodology behind the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) and the RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) — in this session, specifically on selected criteria including Human Rights, Supply Chain, and Human Capital. A workshop session will also be included on how institutional investors are utilizing data from the CSA and ESG data in their investment decision-making.
Click here for more info and to register.
RobecoSAM and Governance & Accountability Institute expert representatives will contribute to the meeting overall and in particular present content (including analysis and slide decks) that address each of the criterion. Representatives from CSA-responding corporations that are high scorers in the respective CSA criterion will respond and share their perspective and experience in crafting responses to the CSA.
Participants can expect to take away a deeper understanding of:

  • The DJSI 2017 – results, and learnings.
  • Effective approaches to assessing established and emerging sustainability topics in the CSA.
  • Rationale, the business case, performance, and results from last year’s assessment, and learn more about major challenges for companies, especially in the CSA Criteria of Human Rights, Human Capital, and Supply Chain.
  • How institutional investors/fiduciaries are utilizing ESG data.

For more information about the course and how to register, visit: