Timely Insights & Perspectives on Corporate Sustainability, Responsibility & Citizenship

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ABA 2016 Working Group on Climate Change and Sustainability Financial Reporting, ABA SEER Sustainability Framework for Law Organizations, ABB, Abbott, ABP, Accenture, Accounting Practices, Actiam, Active Ownership, ADIA, Adidas AG, Adobe Systems, Adrian King, Advisory Committee of Leaders in Business and Human Rights, Aegon Asset Management, AEI, Aerospace, Aerospace & Defense; Automotive, Aetna, Affected Company Disclosure, Affordable and Clean Energy, AFL-CIO, AFL-CIO Funds, AFSCME, Ag/ Farm Equipment, Agios Pharma, Agnes Varis Trust, Agriculture, Agriculture & Food, Agriculture Industry Risk, AIAG, Aichi Biodiversity Targets, Aidenvironment, AIG, AIGCC, Airbus, Air Canada, Air Products & Chemicals Inc, Akami Technologies, Alabama Trust Fund, Alaska Air Group, Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, Albertsons, Alcoa, ALEC, Alex Eule, Algeria, Alliance 8.7, Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics, Allianz, Aloha, Alphabet, Aluminum Association, Amazon, AMD, AMD; Aflac, Ameren, American Airlines, American Baptist Churches, American Bar Association, American Can, American Century, American Council for Capital Formation, American Express, American Funds, American Investment Council, American Jobs Creation Act, American Legislative Exchange Council, American Outdoor Brands, Amerisourcebergen, Amey Stone, Amoco, Anadarko Petroleum, Andrew Ross Sorkin, Angola, Animal Investment Risk and Return, Anna Puglisi, Anne Simpson, Anti-Apartheid, Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy, Anti-Slavery International, Antibiotic Resistance Center George Washington University, Apartheid, Apollo Global Management, Apparel, Apple, Appleseed Capital, AR5, Arizona State University, Arkansas Institutional Fund, Arkema Group, Asia, Asia Investor Group on Climate Change, Assent Compliance, ASSET4, ASSET4- Thomson Reuters, Asset Management, Asset Managers, Asset Owners, Astra Zeneca, As You Sow, As You Sow Foundation, AT&T, AT&T Inc., Atlantic Richfield, Auriel Equity Investors, AustralianEthical, Automobiles & Components, Automotive, Aviva Investors, AXA


C-Suite, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Caesars, California, California Climate Risk of Pension Investments Statute, California Governor Edmund (Jerry) G. Brown, California Public Employees Retirement System, California State Teachers Retirement Fund, California State Teachers Retirement System, CalPERS, CalPERS Environmental, CalPERS Governance & Sustainability Principles, CalPERS “Governance and Sustainability Principles”, CalSTARS, CalSTRS, Calvert, Calvert Group, Calvert Research and Management, Cameroon, Canada, Cap & Trade, Capital Goods, Capital Markets, Carbon, Carbon and Climate, Carbon Disclosure Project, Carbon Emissions, Carbon Reductions, Cargill, Carly Greenberg, Carlyle Group, Casserite, Caterpillar, CBIS, CBS "60 Minutes", CCSFR Newsletter, CDP, CDP's 2017 Climate Change Responses, CDP CEO Paul Simpson, CDP Questionairre, CDP Questionnaire, CDP Supply Chain Program, CDP’s 2017 Water Responses, Center for Human Rights and Environment, Central Africa, Central African Republic, Central Bankers, CEO Benno Dorer, CEO Compensation, CEO James Bartle, CEO Pay, CERCLA, Ceres, Certification of Adoption of Transparency and Sustainability Standards Act, Certified Trading Chain Initiative, CFA, CFA Institute, CFA Society-New York, CFA Society/New York Sustainable Investing Committee, CFO Magazine, CFP, Chad, Chain of Custody, Chain Reaction Research, Chair and CEO Issue, Chair Jay Clayton, Champion International, Chartered Financial Analyst, Chemical Footprint Project, Chemicals, Chemicals of High Concerns -- "CoHCs", Chesapeake, Chevron, Chevron Phillips Chemical, Chile, China, China Defense S&T Information Center., Chinese Association for Science and Technology, Chipotle, CHOICE Act, Chris Madden, Christian Brothers Investment Services, Christian Super Coller Capital, Chrysler, Church of England Ethical Investment Advisory Group, CII, Cisco, Cisco Systems, Citi, Citi Foundation, Citigroup., City of Decatur, City of New York, Clarisse Magnin, Clean Air Act, Clean Power Plan, Clean Production Action, Clean Water Act, Clean Water and Sanitation, Clean Yield, Clearbridge, Clear Channel Outdoor, Climate-Related Risk, Climate Action, climate action 100, Climate Advisers, Climate Alliance, Climate Change, Climate Change and Sustainability Financial Reporting, Climate Change Disclosure, Climate Change Models, Climate Change Reporting, Climate Change Scenarios, Climate Disclosure Project, Climate Leadership Group, Climate Models, Climate Risk, Climate Scenario Testing, Climate Science Special Report, Clorox, Clothing, CME Group, CMS Energy, CNBC, Coal, Coal Ash, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Co, Coca-Cola Company, Code of Professional Conduct, CoHC, Colgate-Palmolive, Comair, Community, Community Affairs, Community Investing, Community Philanthropy, Compassion in World Farming, Compensation Clawbacks, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Compliance, Comptroller Scott Stringer, Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, Conagra Brands, Concept Release, Conference of the Parties, Conflict Minerals, Conflict of Interest Certification, Congo, Conoco, ConocoPhillips, Conrad MacKerron, Constitution of the United States of America, Consumer Durables, Consumer Durables & Apparel, Consumer Products, Containers, COP, COP 21, COP 21 Paris Accord, Core Governance QualityScore, Cornerstone Capital, Cornerstone Capital Group, Corning, Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Communications, Corporate Disclosure, Corporate ESG Data, Corporate Finance Review, Corporate Governance, Corporate Pension Plans, Corporate Proxy, Corporate Proxy Issues, Corporate Proxy Resolution, Corporate Proxy Season, Corporate Proxy Voting, Corporate Proxy Voting Issues, Corporate Proxy Voting Season, Corporate Purpose, corporate ratings, Corporate Reporting, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Scenario Planning, Corporate Secretary, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Sustainability, Corporate Sustainability Assessment, Corporate Sustainability Reporting, Corporate Sustainabiliy Officer, Corruption, Costco, Costco Wholesale, Cotton Lint Standard, Coumbite, Council of Institutional Investors, Council of Mayors, CPP, Credit Suisse, Crisis Management, CRM, CrowdStrike, Cruelty Super, Crystal Kim, CSA, CSCO, CSO, CSR, CSR Hub, CVS Health, Cyber Security



Facebook, FACT Coalition, FactSet, Fair and Responsible Lending, Fair Employment, FAIRR, Fairy God Boss, FANG Stocks, Farm, FAST Act Modernization, Father Sean MacManus, FBI, FCPA, FDIC, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Reserve, Federated, Fiduciary, Finance Ministers, Financial Analysis, Financial CHOICE Act, Financial Disclosure, Financial Horizons Group, Financial Services, Financial Services Committee, Financial Services Roundtable, Financial Stability Board, Financial Stability Board's Task Force on Climate- Related Disclosures, Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure, FireEye Inc., First Data, Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act, Flat World Partners, FlexCOM, Flexographic Technical Association, Florida, Food, Food Industry Risk, Food Security, Footwear, Forbes, Forbest “World’s Best Employers” list, Forbes’ “Best Employers for Women, Forbes “America’s Best Employers” list, Forced Labor, Ford, Fordham University School of Law, Ford Motor Company, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Forest Fires, Forestry, Forests, Fortune 500, Forum for Sustainable & Responsible Investment, fossil-free, Fossil Free California, fossil fuel divestment, fossil fuel holdings, Fossil Fuels, FoxConn, Franklin, Franklin Resources, Frank Russell Company, Freedom to Operate, FSB, FSB / TCFD, FSB Task Force, FSB Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosure, FSB TFCD, FTA, FTSE, FTSE4Good, FTSE Russell, Fund for Arkansas' Future, Furnishings










P&G, Packaging, Palestine, Palm Oil, Pan Am, Pan American World Airways, Panasonic, Parental Leave, Paris Accord, Paris Agreement, Paris COP 21 Agreement, Paternity Leave, Paul Smith, Paul Tudor Jones, Pay Pal, PBGC, Pennsylvania State University, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Pension Funds, Pension Plans, Pension Protection Act of 2006, Pensions & Investments, People's Liberation Army's SIGINT Department, Peoples Liberation Army Unit 61398, PepsiCo, Personal Care Products, Peru, Pharaceuticals, Pharmaceuticals, PIA, Piedmont Plastics, Pietro Bertazzi Deputy Director, PLA, PLA's Military Intelligence Department, Planet, PNC Financial Services, PNC Financial Services Group, Poison Pills, Policy on Anti-competitive Rating Practices, Polimeri Europa (formerly EniChem), Political Spending, polystyrene, Portfolio Management, Premier Xi Jinping, President Barack Obama, President Bill Clinton, President Donald Trump, President Emmanuel Macron, President George H.W. Bush i, President Ronald Reagan, Preventable Surprises, PRI, Primark, Principles for Responsible Investing, Principles for Responsible Investment, Printing Industries of America, Printing Industry Sustainability Certification, Private Equity, Prizer, Procter & Gamble, Proctor & Gamble., Product Category Life Cycle Assessment, Product Safety, Profundo, Profundo. Aidenvironment, Prologis, Proskauer Rose Law Firm, Proxy, Proxy Access, Proxy Activism, Proxy Campaigns, Proxy Issues, Proxy Research, Proxy Resolutions, Proxy Season, Proxy Voting, Proxy Voting Season, Public Affairs, Public Citizen, Pure Strategies, PwC



S&P, S&P 500, S&P 500 Index, S&P 500(r) Index, S&P Composite 1500, S&P Dow Jones Indices, S&P Global, S&P Global Ratings, S&P Midcap 400, S&P SmallCap 600, S-K, SABIC Innovative Plastics, SAFE, salesforce.com, SAP, Sara Bernow, Sarbanes-Oxley, SASB, Say on Pay, Scholars Net, Schroder’s Global Asset Management, Science-based Targets, Scott Jarboe, SDG, SDGs, Sea Rise, SEC, SEC Chair Jay Clayton, Second Amendment, SEC Retail Strategy Task Force, Secretary of State, Section 1502, Sector Analysis, SecureWorks, Securities & Exchange Commission, Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, SEIU, Seth Magaziner, Severn Trent, SGIA, SGP, Shareholder Activism, Shareholder Proxy Activism, Shareholder Resolutions, Shareholder Rights, Shareholders, Shareowner Activisim, Shell, Shift, Siemens, Silicon Valley, Singer, Skoll Foundation, Slavery, Smith & Wesson, Social, Social and Governance, Social and Governance Investing in 2017”, Social and Governance Issues in Investing.”, Social and Governance Strategic Plan, Social Justice, Social License to Operate, Socially Responsible Investing, Society for Corporate Governance, Software, Solar, Solar Power, Sonen Capital, South Africa, Southeast Florida Regional Climate Compact, South Pole Group, South Sudan, Southwestern Bell, Sovereign Wealth Fund, Speaker Paul Ryan, Specialty Graphic Imaging Association, Sperry, Square, SRI, SSGA, Stakeholder and Society, Stakeholder Engagement, Starbucks, Starbucks Coffee, State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, State of Washington, State Street, State Street Global Advisors, Statoil, STEM Education, Stephen Harvey, Stockholm Declaration, Stop & Shop, Strategic Insight, Strathmore Pension Fund, Stray Dog Capital, Students Allied for Freedom and Equality, Sturm, Sturm Ruger, Sudan, Superfund, Supermarkets, Superstorms, Supplier Engagement Rating, Supplier Survey, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chains, Survey Fatigue, Susanna Rust, Sustainability, Sustainability Big Data, Sustainability Consortium, Sustainability Financial Reporting, Sustainability Financial Reporting Policy Initiative, Sustainability Investing, Sustainability Reporting, Sustainability Standards, Sustainable & Responsible Investing, Sustainable & Responsible Investment, Sustainable Accounting Standards Board, Sustainable Bonds, Sustainable Cities & Communities, Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable ETF, Sustainable Funds, Sustainable Green Printing Partnership, SustainableInvest, Sustainable Investing, Sustainable Investment, Sustainable Public Company, Sustainable Reporting, Sustainalytics, SVP Conrad MacKerron, SWF, Swift Foundation, Swiss Re, Sysco

Taiwan Stock Exchange, TAL Education, Tantalite, Tantalum, Tanzania, Target, Target Stores, Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosure, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Risk Disclosure, Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures, TCFD, TCFD Scenario Testing, Tech, Technology Sector, Telecom, Tenax Therapeutics, Terra Alpha Investments, Terrorism, Texaco, Texas, Texas Tech, Textiles, The Alliance for a Greater New York, The Boston College Center for Retirement Research, The Business Roundtable, The California Public Employees' Retirement System, The Case for Collaborative Action, The CEO Water Mandate’s Corporate Water Disclosure Guidelines, The Chattanoogan, The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network, The Corporate Library, The Diplomat, The Financial Times, The Future of Food:  The Investment Case for a Protein Shake U, The Global Climate Change Action Summit, The Global Investor Statement on Antibiotic Stewardship, The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, The Health Foundation, The ICCR statement on Gun Violence, The Insurance Coalition, The International Environmental Law Committee of the ABA Section of International Law, The International Organization for Migration, The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Thematic Investing, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, The New York Times, The Norwegian Government Pension Fund - Global, The Pay Ratio Disclosure, The Schroder’s Global Investor Study, The Students for Justice in Palestine, The Sustainability Consortium, The Wagner Law Group, The Wall Street Journal, The Walt Disney Company, The White House, The Women’s Empower Principles, The Year of the Human, Third Parties, Thirteen Agencies, Thomson Reuters, TI, Tideway, Tim Koller, Tim Smith, Tin, Tipping Point, TJX Companies, TLMI, Total, Toxic Release Inventory, Trade, Trafficking Victims Protection Act, Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership Agreement, Transport, Transportation, Trans World Airlines, Travelers, Treasurer of Rhode Island, TRI, Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment, triclosan, Trillium Asset Management, Trimble, Trinity Health, Triodos Investment Management, TruCost, Trump Administration, TSC, TTPA, Tungster, TWA, Twitter, Tyson, Tyson Foods, Tysons Foods

U.S. Climate Alliance, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, U.S. Cyber Command, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990, U.S. Global Change Research Program, U.S. Military, U.S. Steel, U.S International Trade Commission, UAW, UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust, Uber, UBS, UCLA, UFF/African Agri-Investments, Uganda, UMN Divest, UN, UNCTAD Core SDGs Reporting Indicators, Unequal Voting Rights, UNFCCC, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNGC, UN Global Compact, UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, UNICEF, UNICEF CSR Advisory Group, Unilever, Union Carbide, Union of Concerned Scientists, Uniroyal., United Auto Workers, United Church Funds, United Cities, United Cities and Local Governments, United Health, United Kingdom, United Nations, United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime, United Parcel Service, United Technologies, Universal Owners, Universal Ownership, University of Alaska, University of Arkansas, University of California-Davis, University of California Chief Investment Officer, University of Illinois, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Maryland, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Hillel, Unocal, UNODC, UN PRI, UN Principles for Responsible Investment, UN Women., UPS, USA, US Agency for International Development, USAID, US Airways, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Chamber of Commerce, US Congress, US Dairy Community, US Department of Labor, US Department of State, US EPA, Usman Hayat, US SEC, US Secret Service, US SIF, US State Department, US Steel, Util, utilities






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